Sixth conference of the AFHS, Augusta, WA, Sep 2004

Note: The proceedings of the 6th National Conference of the Austrian Forest History Society was originally published by Millpress, Rotterdam in 2005. The proceedings are made available here with permission from the publisher.
Preliminary pages
Symposium 1: A forest conscienceness
- Professional conscience vs popular consciousness – Changing management of scenic rim forests in NSW, I.D. Abbott & J.L. Lennon
- Alfred Sharpe’s forest consciousness in New Zealand and Australia, 1859-1908, James Beattie
- Managing places of social significance in State Forest, Jane Becker
- A historical forest management conundrum: Do social and biophysical science mix?, Heidi Bigler-Cole
- Seeing the trees and the wood, Bill Bunbury
- The re-enchanted forest, L.J. Christensen
- Charles Lane Poole in the transition from Empire, John Dargavel
- ‘The Children are running wild …’: Uncovering childhood at a forest sawmill camp, Peter Davies
- Living with trees – Perspectives from the suburbs, Lesley Head & Pat Muir
- Cultural landscapes – A concept for raising forest conscienceness, Jane L. Lennon
- A personal account of involvement with Western Australian forests, Malcolm John McBain
- Nature as culture: Transformed by the bush, Philippa O’Brien
- Georgiana Molloy and early forest botany in the Augusta to Busselton area of Western Australia, S.J. Patrick
- Edward Phillips Turner: The development of a ‘Forest Sense’ in New Zealand 1890s to 1930s, Michael Roche
- Working in the timber industry in Western Australia in the 1990s, W.J. ´Bill´ Smart
- Working in the timber industry in Western Australia in the 1990s: A response to Smart, David Mills
- Forests, character and conscience: Lane Poole in Western Australia as recounted mainly by John Thomson, Michael Wood
Symposium 2: Ecosystem health
- People, their values, and forest management – An American experience, Jeff D. Blackwood
- Systemic forest health: The changing role of public participation in WA forest policy and management, Martin Brueckner
- Human health and forested ecosystems: Exploring historical transitions of diseases and perceptions, Marisa Gilles & Pierre Horwitz
- The influence of forests on the economic well being of human communities, Sarah Lumley
- Living with change: Human impacts of recent restructuring of the native hardwood timber industry in WA, Greg Miller
- Changes in the way people perceive the biophysical condition of jarrah forest, Alexander W.T. Watson
Symposium 3: Conflicts over forest use: History and resolution
- The functions of Korean national forests in the Japanese colonial period (1910-1945), J.S. Bae
- The 1970s as a time of transition for Western Australian native forests protest, Ron Chapman
- Laying claim to Nicaragua’s mahogany forest, ca. 1880s-1910s, Mike Gismondi & Jeremy Mouat
- The Eden woodchip debate: Part II (1987-2004), Daniel Lunney
- Stakeholders contest the future of Goolengook, A. Nelson
- Simple spatially-based model to prevent forest land use conflicts, Satrio Tjaroko Utomo, Graeme L. Wright & Robert Corner
- Ending logging of old-growth forests: Key social and economic factors in Western Australia, David Worth
Symposium 4: Open forum
- Changes to tuart woodland in Yalgorup National Park over four decadesR.D. Archibald, B.J. Bowen, G.E.StJ. Hardy, J.E.D. Fox & D.J. Ward
- May Holman, Katharine Prichard and the timberworkers, Geoffrey Bolton
- The legacy of sustenance, F.J. Bradshaw
- History of Phytophthora cinnamomi management in Western Australia, Bernie Dell, Giles Hardy & Kevin Vear
- My experiences in the timber industry in south-western Australia, Bill (Pat) Gardner
- Karridale: The growth and decline of a timber settlement, Beth Goodacre
- The forest, the timber industry and the microscope, Roger Heady
- The development of pine logging in Western Australia, Peter N. Hewett & John B. Sclater
- Historical perspectives on mosaic burning in Western Australia’s southwest forests, Natalie Lloyd & Alisa Krasnostein
- Forest policy and management changes from a field forester’s perspective, Alan Lush
- Getting involved: A personal account of involvement in the forests debate in Western Australia, Beth Schultz
- History in forest names, J.B. Sclater
- The influence of land-use history on roadside conservation values in an Australian agricultural landscape, Peter G. Spooner & Ian D. Lunt
- 1919 to 1935: A pivotal period for the forests of the south west of Western Australia, J. Williamson, S. Moore & C. Warren
Symposium 5: Reconstructing pre-European forests
- Hidden histories: Tree-ring analysis of late Holocene swamp kauri, Waikato, New Zealand, Gretel Boswijk, Anthony Fowler & Jonathan Palmer
- Reconstructing Aboriginal impacts on Australian forests: Archaeological studies from south-western Australia, Jonathan Palmer
- A blast from the past: A dendroecological reconstruction of forest windthrow, North Island, New Zealand, T.J. Martin & J. Ogden
- Application of fire history records to contemporary management issues in south-west Australian forests, L. McCaw, T. Hamilton & C. Rumley
- The way it was, Tereetee Lore & Kaye McPherson
- Native forests to empires of grass: The construction of New Zealand’s grasslands, Paul Star
Symposium 6: Evolving sustainability
- A tale of two processes: The Resource Advisory Committee (USA) and the Regional Forest Agreement (Australia), Dennis Baird
- Blundells flat, Uriarra Forest, ACT: A Cinderella story, Mark Butz
- The Great Wall of China: Catchment policy and forests beyond the Yarra watershed 1850-1950, Peter S. Evans
- Management of non-indigenous cultural heritage values in the forests of south-west Western Australia, Robert P. Hagan
- Provisioning the mills: A note on sustainability, Gil Hardwick
- A forest conscienceness: Fifty years of change in Pemberton, Murray Johnson
- Forests for sale: The historical perspective, Peter Lane
- Reconstructing pre-European forests of south-western WA – The contribution of 1750 vegetation mapping, E.M. Mattiske & J.J. Havel
- Ecosystems and their moral values, Libby Robin
- IIllusive sustainability: An overview of recent experience, Chrissy Sharp
- Sustaining inequity? Rethinking the history of Nepalese forest policy, Krishna Kumar Shrestha & Phil McManus
- Evolution of silvicultural practices in the jarrah forest of Western Australia, G.L. Stoneman, R. Hagan & M.E. Rayner
- Lamington National Park and Binna Burra Mountain Lodge, Queensland: Partners in conserving the rainforest, Brett J. Stubbs & Raymond L. Specht
- A case for adaptive management in the Wungong Catchment, C.T. Terry, A.J. Reed & F.E. Batini
- Toward sustainable management: Southern Africa’s Afromontane and Western Australia’s jarrah forests, Grant Wardell-Johnson & Michael Calver