Eights conference of the AFHS, Lismore, NSW, June 2010

2010 conference papers
Exploiting the land laws – it wasn’t only the squatters, Mark Allen (PDF, 1.2MB).
On dispossession, John Dargavel (PDF, 139kB).
Forest as historic artefact: understanding cumulative landscape transformation in grazed and logged forests in north-eastern New South Wales, Pam Dean-Jones and Steve Brown (PDF, 3MB).
From Kauri to Kumara:Forests and people of the Pacific Islands, Sue Feary (PDF, 1.5MB).
The Wollemi Pine 16 years on, Roger Heady (PDF, 1MB).
Does reminiscence have a role in history? A human dimension, Curly Humphreys (PDF, 244kB).
Passionate advocates, Stephen Legg (PDF, 133kB).
‘Large quantities of marketable pine…’ a history of Upper Richmond River valley forests, New South Wales, Jane Lennon (PDF, 3MB).
‘Cumulative social impacts in northern NSW: forest policy 1980-2010, Edwina Loxton, Jacki Schirmer, Peter Kanowski and John Dargavel (PDF, 300kB).
‘A contribution to the ecological history of Nadgee Nature Reserve, on the south coast of New South Wales, Daniel Lunney, Allan Fox, Peter Catling, Harry Recher and Henry Lunney (PDF, 1.3MB).
Weir Valley Farm, Mundaring, Western Australia:land in transition, Jenny Mills (PDF, 2MB).
Cultural artefacts or ‘neglected old parks’: the colonisation of rainforests in north-western Tasmania, Robert Onfray (PDF, 2MB).
Trees associated with the Burke and Wills Expedition, Peter Saenger (PDF, 1.3MB).
A history of Australian Capital Territory Arboreta 1928-2003, James W. Shirley (PDF, 3MB).
Baldur Byles: a forester above the treeline, Deirdre Slattery (PDF, 500kB).
New eyes on old forests:A reconsideration of early accounts of the North Coast of New South Wales, Robert James Smith (PDF, 1MB).
The contribution of Henry Matthews to tree culture in New Zealand from 1896 to 1909, Paul Star (PDF, 3MB).
Saviour to Scourge: a history of the introduction and spread of the camphor tree (Cinnamomum camphora) in eastern Australia, Brett J. Stubbs (PDF, 1.5MB).